

In the middle of


while something is being done or busy doing something


~하는 중, ~ 하느라 바쁜 (무언가를 하고 있는 중이거나 무언가를 하느라 바쁜)





I’m sorry but I'm in the middle of something. Can I call you later?


미안한데, 나 지금 뭐 하고 있거든. 내가 나중에 전화하면 안될까?



I was in the middle of (eating) lunch when the phone rang.


전화가 왔을 때 난 점심식사를 하는 중이었다.



When she called, I was in the middle of making dinner.


그녀가 전화했을 때 저녁식사 준비를 하는 중이었다.






이미지출처  https://andertoons.com/death/cartoon/1612/can-i-call-you-back-im-kinda-in-middle-of-something-governor







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