
With all due respect


used to express polite disagreement in a formal situation:


외람되지만, 죄송하지만 (격식을 갖춘 상황에서 예의있게 반대의사를 표현할 때 사용)





With all due respect, Sir, I cannot agree with your last statement.


외람되지만 저는 선생님의 마지막 말씀에 동의할 수 없습니다.



It seems that you are, with all due respect, wrong in this particular case


— as you see the murder took place at three o'clock.


죄송한 말씀이지만, 이 사건의 경우는 당신이 틀린 것 같습니다. 보시는 바와 같이 살인이 3시에 발생했거든요.




With all due respect for their hard work and personal sacrifice, it’s hard to see why they deserve any greater protection than their next-door neighbors. To the contrary, the home addresses of legislators are the first reference point in determining whether they live in their districts.


그들의 엄청난 노고와 희생이 있긴 하지만, 다른 평범한 사람들 보다 보호를 더 받아야 된다고 생각하진 않습니다. 반대로, 국회의원들의 집주소는 그들이 자기네 지역구에 살고 있는지를 확인하는 첫 번째 참고자료입니다.


출처 https://www.tallahassee.com/story/opinion/2019/12/04/why-should-florida-legislators-keep-their-addresses-confidential-bill-cotterell/2594930001/

Why should Florida legislators keep their addresses confidential? | Bill Cotterell

With due respect for their hard work and personal sacrifice, it’s hard to see why they deserve any greater protection than their next-door neighbors.



Anyone who starts a sentence with “with all due respect” is about to insult you.

이미지출처 https://gph.is/g/aX9gBOZ

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