

First place (1st place), Second place (2nd place), Third place (3rd place)


First, second etc position in a race or competition


1등, 2등, 3등 (경기나 경쟁에서 첫번째, 두번째 등의 위치)





I finished in third place in the contest.


나는 그 콘테스트에서 3등을 했어.



He took second place in the long jump.


그는 멀리뛰기 종목에서 2등을 차지했습니다.



Second place is still anyone’s game.


2등 자리는 아직 비어있습니다.



Jim was in first place when he handed the car over to me.


나에게 차를 넘겨주었을 때 Jim 1등이었다.



Cf. in the first (second, third etc.) place


used to separate and emphasize reasons or opinions:


첫째로/둘째로/셋째로 등 (이유나 의견을 분리하거나 강조할 때 사용)


I don't want to go outside. In the first place I'm not ready, and in the second place it's snowing.


난 밖에 나가기 싫어. 첫번째, 난 준비가 안됐고, 둘째로 지금 눈이 온다고.



이미지출처  https://tenor.com/view/surprise-last-place-lost-run-sport-gif-10520375





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