

In a nutshell


very briefly, giving only the main points


when you want to make it clear that you're going to sum something up in just a few words.


간단히 말해서  (매우 간결하게 요점만 전달하는 것, 몇 단어로 상황을 명확하게 알려주고 싶을때 )


(≒ To make a long story short)





Just tell me the story in a nutshell.


그냥 간단하게 얘기해줘.



In a nutshell, we lost the case.


간단히 말해서, 우리는 그 사건에서 졌어.



I tried to persuade him but his answer, in a nutshell, was no.


내가 설득하려고 노력했는데, 간단히 얘기해서 그가 거절했어.



이미지출처 https://gph.is/2cIBKQL




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